Mindful Movement Meditations: A Lens to Explore 3 Modalities

I’m happy to be back today with a new episode about my favorite mindful movement meditations! There was an unexpected hiatus, because I had to travel to Alabama and spend three weeks helping with some significant family health-related challenges.

A silver lining of that very difficult trip was seeing how much my meditation and mindful movement practices made a difference in my ability to make it through that experience. So, in this episode, I’m talking about some of the specifics of what I include in my “interdisciplinary” practice and celebrating what I’ve learned from the different movement modalities that I’ve benefited from over the years.

Episode Details:

In particular, I’m going to talk about how I engage with 3 different movement modalities – Yoga, Somatics, and Qigong – and what I think they each offer to the development of embodied mindfulness. Understanding the different gifts of these practices helps me choose what tool I might need on a given day, or how I might combine specific elements from multiple modalities to design a mindful movement class sequence.Drawing of a woman doing a stretch while practicing her mindful movement meditations.

The Specific Benefits of these Mindful Movement Meditations

Drawing from my own practice experience over the years, I share how:

  • Yoga has helped me wake up sensation and develop a connection with my body
  • Somatics has offered more focus on subtlety and refined my attention
  • Qigong helps with clearing emotional energy and learning to “drop in” to simple movement flows

And, you’ll hear about how all of these practices assist with nervous system regulation and with making meditation more accessible and effective.

I hope this episode will spark your interest to explore a new genre of movement, or to play a bit with the breadth and depth of your practice toolkit!

Resources & Links from this episode:

For more information on the Mindful Movement Teacher Training, which explores each of these movement modalities through a lens of mindfulness practice, check out movedtomeditate.yoga/mmtt.

Or, for accessible guided mindful movement meditations, check out my Moved To Meditate Class Library.

And, I’m on Instagram at @addie_movedtomeditate (for mindfulness, movement, yoga, and pictures of PNW nature and my adorable kitten, Mustache).