Everyday Mindfulness: Small Moments That Add Up

This week on the podcast, I’d like to talk about everyday mindfulness, the practice of taking small moments to pause and be aware throughout your day. We’ll explore practical ways you can create a supportive mindfulness practice for all the moving parts of your real, beautiful, and (sometimes) messy life.

Episode Details:

The advantage of everyday mindfulness is that we can incorporate it into what we’re already doing, so it doesn’t require any extra time. Practicing this way can be quite organic when we simply remember to be mindful while doing ordinary tasks.

Image of a mug of tea, representing everyday mindfulness and being present for the ordinary moments.Many people find that being more aware during daily activities also has a way of making those moments more meaningful, and it creates little pockets of stress relief that can make a significant difference.

Everyday Mindfulness Points You’ll Hear About:

  • Why mini-mindfulness practices are a great starting point for beginners interested in meditation
  • How everyday mindfulness is an important part of maturing your practice further down the road
  • Some background for everyday mindfulness practices in the Buddhist teachings, and how mindfulness includes all of our senses
  • How mindful movement particularly strengthens the connection between meditation and everyday life.

At the end of the episode, I’ll offer a menu of everyday mindfulness practices you can play with this week, including the 54321 practice (with the 5 senses), “waiting meditation,” using a mindfulness bell, and more.

Resources & Links from this episode:

Put your mindfulness into action!

Did you know there is a Free Membership Tier of the Moved To Meditate Class Library? Learn more about the Class Library and sign up for your Free Library Card to access the five featured classes from the catalog each month.

If you are interested in sharing movement-based mindfulness practices with others, take a look at the Mindful Movement Teacher Training! The next round of this online training program begins in October.

Group of smiling people meditating peacefully, participating in Mindful Movement Teacher Training.