Why Awe Is Good for Us: Book Recommendation!

Today’s episode of the podcast is a little different than usual, because it’s about a book! I’m talking about why awe is good for us, drawing from what I learned by reading Dacher Keltner’s new book, Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How it Can Transform Your Life.

Episode Details:

Image of Dacher Keltner's book on why awe is good for us.In case you didn’t know, researchers like Dr. Dacher Keltner are studying awe – as in the feeling of amazement or wonder, the experience of having your jaw drop, or those moments when you get goosebumps. It turns out awe is good for us!

There are benefits for us as individuals, as awe impacts our physical and mental health. But, there are also big implications for how awe affects our attitudes towards others and the planet.

What you’ll learn about why awe is good for us:

• 8 categories of awe that the researchers identified
• examples of moral beauty, awe in nature, and mystical awe
• how moving in unison generates “collective effervescence”
• how awe is not always pleasant, and can arise alongside states like fear and grief

The research suggests that awe may have many benefits, including activation of certain brain regions, release of helpful neurochemicals (like dopamine), positive effects on mood and life satisfaction, and even decreases in inflammation markers in the body. On a societal level, awe could contribute to our human co-existence by decreasing the tendency toward materialism, and increasing generosity and cooperative behaviors.

Listen for more of my take-aways from this book, including many themes that are relevant to mindfulness, wellbeing, and building a kinder world.

Links & Resources from this episode:

This is book discussed in this podcast episode – Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life* by Dacher Keltner.

And, learn more about the author, Dacher Keltner.

If you liked this discussion about cultivating positive mind states like awe, check out Episode 32 – Deeper Dive: Joy and Gratitude for more inspiration!

*The links to these books are to my Bookshop.org affiliate page. If you buy books through my link, I earn a small percentage (at no additional cost to you). And, every Bookshop.org purchase supports local independent bookstores!

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