Post-Election Perspectives and Musings from a Mindful Movement Teacher

This week’s episode of the podcast is a short post-election reflection – just me sharing some of what’s currently on my mind and what’s sustaining me right now.

Episode Details:

This episode is a little different, because while I don’t really hide my political views, I also don’t usually make them a focal point of my teaching. While I certainly have opinions and I care deeply about the issues, I also respect my students’ autonomy and I try not to make too many assumptions about the views they may hold. I want to hope that we can all practice together and find common ground more often than not.

Addie looking up thoughtfully with a waterfall in the background.The thoughts I’m sharing today are for others like me who are upset about the election, and who are feeling confused, discouraged, and shaky. And I especially want to speak to my fellow movement, yoga, and meditation teachers out there, who are holding space for others during challenging times.

So, if you’re usually a fan of this podcast but realizing your politics is different than mine, you can listen to this and try to understand my perspective, or you can skip this episode and move on.

I promise it’s not going to be a rant or recitation of fearful possibilities, and it’s not going to be an artificial ‘look on the bright side message’ either. I’ll be sharing a few quotes and ideas that are helping me to orient to this moment, as well as a story about how I’m finding connection and light in my local community.

Resources and Links from this episode:

  • Learn about Buddhist teacher and eco-philosopher Joanna Macy, and her book Active Hope (which is what I drew from in this episode).
  • The Ram Dass quote (that I heard via Anne Lamott): “I’ve been asked many times whether this is the aquarian age and it’s all just beginning, or if this is armageddon and this is the end, and I have to admit I don’t know. Whichever way it goes, my work is the same. My work is to quiet my mind and open my heart and relieve suffering wherever I find it.”
  • Silly jokes, just for fun.

Online Support for Your Mindful Movement and Meditation Practice!

Check out the Moved To Meditate Class Library and sign up for your Free Library Card to access five featured classes from the catalog each month. As mentioned on the podcast, there’s a bonus class this month on working with the nervous system’s Freeze Response.

Moved To Meditate Library Card for access to free online mindful movement classes.