Mindful Movement Online Classes – Live!

Join me for LIVE mindful movement online! These livestream classes (on Zoom) are grouped into Terms of multiple weeks (not drop-in). This allows us go deeper and build on what we’re practicing over the term. The term structure provides a sense of continuity – a familiar group of fellow students each week, and a sense of what to expect from the weekly practice.

Late Fall Term – Moved To Meditate Live

Ground, Center, and Reset with Mindful Movement

Thursdays 9:00-10:00am (Pacific Time)
5 classes: November 14 – December 19, 2024
(no class on November 28th) 

The end of the year is a great time to hit the reset button, get grounded, and find your center. Our holiday season class series will use a mix of Gentle Yoga, Somatics, and Qigong forms to calm the nervous system, release tension, and gently interrupt the momentum of busy-ness.

To be grounded is to be in the present moment, connected to the body, and aware of our environment.

When we feel grounded, there’s a sense of wholeness, steadiness, and clarity.

A person on the beach at sunrise, with text about the mindful movement reset class series.

When we’re “un-grounded,” we usually feel like we’re in our heads, lost in the buzz of thoughts, breathing higher in the body, and somewhat apart from the physical place we’re inhabiting. There are so many aspects of modern life (especially in uncertain, stressful times) that pull us away from the sense of being grounded. So, it is helpful to have practices that reconnect us with the embodied sense of stability and center.

We will include movements that highlight the feet and strengthen the lower body, as well as balance poses that allow us to practice re-steadying when things get wobbly. We will also include some tools for balancing the nervous system, as well as breathing practices that tend to slow and calm the system.

This is a beginner-friendly Mindful Movement class, but also valuable for more experienced yogis and movement practitioners. Options are given to make poses/movements more or less challenging, depending on your experience, abilities, and energy level. These classes include floor work and some standing, and we typically end with Savasana or seated meditation (your choice).

Props: If you have yoga props (like blocks, blankets, a strap or resistance band, a bolster), have them ready! If not, don’t worry – you might find substitutions around the house, like towels and pillows instead of yoga blankets and bolsters. Some practitioners also find it helpful to have a sturdy chair available (like a folding chair or dining room chair).

Each week, you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link for class. And, after class, you’ll receive an email with a link to access the Zoom recording.

There are two options for registration:

  1. ALL ACCESS CLASS LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP – Join the Moved To Meditate Class Library (or upgrade your membership to the All Access tier) to participate in all of this term’s livestream series, the class recordings, special courses, and my full on-demand video library of 100+ classes. This membership is $34.99/month. You can cancel anytime, but as long as you stay subscribed, you’ll be signed up for all my livestream class terms and you’ll automatically get the zoom links.
  2. LIVESTREAM SERIES – Sign up for this 5 sessions, including the recordings of each class. The class series is a one-time registration cost of $65 (equals $13/class).