Teacher Masterclasses & Alumni Gatherings

Next Topic – Mental Health Benefits of Yoga and Mindful Movement

Rescheduling – check back for next date!

Calling all training grads and fellow teachers! If you are looking for a space to continue learning, hone your craft, and enjoy a supportive community, join me for a new series of Teacher Masterclasses. These community gatherings will include educational topics, as well as time for connecting with each other, and answering whatever questions are on your mind.

Teaching mindful movement, yoga, or meditation is a wonderful thing, but it can also be strangely isolating. Because we spend most of our time as the sole teacher in the room with our students, we rarely have the chance to talk about our teaching triumphs and challenges with our peers. We may meet wonderful teachers in the trainings we take, but those connections are not always easy to sustain once the program ends.

Our next meetup will welcome Chris McDonald of the Holistic Counseling Podcast as our guest speaker.

Our topic will be the mental health benefits of yoga and mindful movement. Chris is a licensed mental health therapist with a passion for holistic tools that enhance her clients’ well-being. She will highlight some of the ways movement classes can make a positive impact on our students’ mental health (while staying within our scope of practice). Chris will also offer some tips for assisting students when they become emotional or overwhelmed during class.

Guest Bio: Chris McDonald is a Holistic Therapist, Yogi, Meditation Teacher, Podcaster and Author. She owns a group online practice called “Path to Hope Counseling.” She is a 200-Hour RYT, is Certified in Brainspotting, and offers gentle yoga to clients in session, and offers private yoga sessions. She specializes in treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma and grief in young adults. To support her fellow Therapists, she offers Clinical consultations and Supervision, Therapy for Therapists and is the author of “Self-Care for the Counselor.” She has helped many therapists prioritize their own mental health and wellness. She is a Meditation Teacher on the Aura app and Insight Timer. Chris is also the host of The Holistic Counseling Podcast.

Therapist Chris McDonald doing Tree Pose as a speaker on yoga for mental health.

Who this is for: These Teacher Masterclasses are open to any movement or meditation teacher who wants to join in. All graduates and current participants of my teacher training programs (Mindful Movement Teacher Training, Yin Yoga trainings, Spiral Path Yoga trainings) are encouraged to attend and stay connected with each other.

Also warmly welcomed: aspiring teachers who are exploring training options, and hope to eventually share mindful movement or meditation. Or, if you heard about this on the Moved To Meditate Podcast or elsewhere and you feel like this group might resonate with you, then please join us. Basically, this is about building a vibrant and supportive teacher community, so the more the merrier!

Format: We will meet on Zoom for 90 minutes every other month (ish), and our gatherings will include a 20-30 minute presentation, sometimes led by Addie and sometimes with a guest expert. We will also have time for Q&A, breakout rooms, reflection, and often a short practice.

Upcoming Masterclass Dates:

Check back soon for more details on topics and guest speakers.

These sessions will be donation-based and no one will be turned away due to inability to contribute. The suggested donation is between $20-60 (especially helpful to cover a small honorarium for guest speakers), but please contribute whatever amount makes sense for you. Some donate more and some less, based on relative means, and it all works out.

Catch up with friends you met in teacher training, and/or make some new connections. It’ll be fun!

Once you register, you’ll receive the Zoom link for the session. Look for the optional “pay-what-you-want” button on the sign up page to donate as you register. You can also contribute via PayPal here. (Or, other ways to support this gathering: posting it on social media, inviting your teacher friends, following the guest speaker or signing up for their email list, etc.)