
Mindful Movement: Practical and Powerful

Picture of Mindful Movement Teacher, Addie deHilster, seated on a cushion and smiling with her hand on her heart.

Hello! I’m Addie deHilster (she/her), Founder of Moved To Meditate. I am a Mindful Movement specialist, combining my in-depth experience with Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation and my lifelong love of movement – especially Yoga, Somatics, and Qigong.

I believe in de-compartmentalizing movement and meditation, so that so we can benefit from the best of both, and more easily translate their lessons into real life.

What does that mean? It means that my classes are equally about meditation and movement, and there isn’t a hierarchy between the two.

Personally, I practice to alleviate tension and tweaks in my body, to steady my anxious mind, to sleep well, and deepen my connections with others. All of that helps me to be less in my head, and more HERE. 

Above all, I practice to understand what the heck this life thing is, and how to make good use of this time I have on the planet. Embodied meditation is the most direct way I know to look into those questions and give myself what I need to fully engage each day.

In Moved To Meditate classes, we’re not just trying to create perfect poses, and we’re not just working on ourselves cognitively. In a truly balanced mindful movement practice, we get to bring our whole selves to the process – body, heart, and mind. Because, when you want to make a shift in how you feel, you need to tend to all of these layers.

You’ll find practical, do-able movements here, within a more mindful, meaningful framework. Come as you are!

Learn about movement and meditation

I know there’s a LOT of “how-to” advice out there, and I hope you’ll find resources and practices here that actually work for you, and that you actually want to use.

With dozens of info-packed talks and inspiring guest interviews, the Moved To Meditate Podcast is a great place to start!

Addie deHilster, host of the Moved To Meditate Podcast, sitting on a cushion.

Practice with me

In the Moved To Meditate Class Library, you’ll discover movement practices that address your aches and pains, so they don’t hinder your daily life activities or limit your mindful exploration. You’ll also find plenty of beginner-friendly guided meditations there.

And, there’s a Free Library Card option, so you can tiptoe in and check out a few practices!

Library books in the background of the Moved To Meditate online mindful movement classes.

Teach mindful movement

I also offer Mindful Movement Teacher Training and Yin Yoga Trainings for meditation teachers, yoga teachers, therapists, coaches, educators, and others interested in facilitating movement-based mindfulness practices.

You’ll learn to:

Guide students toward greater mindfulness, well-being, and enjoyment of movement and embodiment practices.

Take your own practice deeper and teach from your direct experience.

Be educated about the power of mindful movement, and how to adapt practices to be accessible for real students.

Group of people smiling and meditating, illustrating the Mindful Movement Teacher Training.

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